SoulCollage® Facilitator Trainings
Is this your year to train as a SoulCollage® Facilitator?
It’s an exciting time to join our worldwide creative, paradigm-shifting Facilitator community that is helping people “discover their wisdom and change their worlds.”
No degrees or certificates are required to attend the SoulCollage® Training. The purpose of the Training is to prepare people to share SoulCollage® with others. If you have an active SoulCollage® practice, enthusiasm for sharing the process with others, and have met a few basic prerequisites, becoming a Facilitator may be the next right step on your SoulCollage® journey.
We offer a free Facilitator Training Prep Course available at World of SoulCollage®, our official Online Community. This course covers Prerequisites, Facilitator Training topics, an FAQ, and more. Whether you are taking the SoulCollage® Facilitator Training online or in-person, this Prep Course will guide you through the necessary steps to ensure you make the most of your Training experience.
CEs for Online Facilitator Trainings in English ONLY
SoulCollage Inc. is approved by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists to sponsor continuing education for LMFTs, LPCC, LPC, and LCSWs. SoulCollage Inc. (Provider #133654) maintains responsibility for this program and its content. Course meets the qualifications for 24 hours of continuing education credit for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and/or LEPs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences. For more information and to request CEs, visit: Online Facilitator Training CEs
Sign up here when new SoulCollage® Facilitator Trainings are scheduled.

Frequently Asked Questions
Can I receive CE credits for the SoulCollage® Facilitator Training?
If you are a licensed professional in the USA, the Training may be able to offer you 24 CEs. See CE details here.
Does SoulCollage® certify Facilitators?
If you participate in and complete all sessions of the Training, you will receive a certificate of completion conferring your right to use the trademark “SoulCollage®” in the title of your in-person groups or workshops facilitated according to the “Principles of SoulCollage®” and to call yourself a “SoulCollage® Facilitator.” We do not “certify” SoulCollage® Facilitators. Certification would require greater time in training and supervision than can be provided in one 3- or 4-day training.
What does the Training cover?
You will make cards and share cards in community in addition to receiving information about SoulCollage® and facilitating the SoulCollage® method competently and ethically with individuals and groups. In a SoulCollage® Facilitator Training you will learn how to:
- Facilitate SoulCollage® card-making, support self-esteem, and avoid competition and self-criticism among participants.
- Implement a supportive structure which protects and encourages self-discovery.
- Learn how to adapt the process to different individual issues and different populations.
- Discover ways to access intuition with SoulCollage® cards.
- Use the Facilitator-only resources section of
- Envision a plan for facilitating SoulCollage® that fits your own passions, intentions, and competencies.
- Recognize and prevent ethical pitfalls and challenges that might arise when working with individuals and groups.
- Meet like-minded colleagues and network about the applications of SoulCollage®.
Is this a workshop or retreat?
Neither. The intention of this Training is to prepare you to become a SoulCollage® Facilitator who is ready to share SoulCollage® with others. Although you will be making cards, sharing cards and doing readings, the Training is not a workshop or a retreat where the focus is on your personal experience.
The emphasis in this SoulCollage® Facilitator Training will be on learning how to facilitate others as you work with your cards. Trainees will have a full schedule of experiential and informational education to facilitate SoulCollage® competently for others.
Are there requirements to take the Facilitator Training?
The SoulCollage® Facilitator Training is for anyone who wants to facilitate SoulCollage® for self-discovery in groups and with individuals. You don’t need any degree or other credentials.
There are required prerequisites that will enable you to participate and contribute fully in the experience with your fellow trainees. There are required prerequisites you can complete that will enable you to participate and contribute fully in the experience with your fellow trainees. View prerequisites here.
Can you accommodate special needs?
Please ask your Trainer before registration about the possibility of accommodating your needs in a particular Training and its setting. Most public retreat or hotel facilities in the U.S. are accessible to those with physical mobility issues, but accommodations may be different in different Trainings.
It is important that trainees participate in, and complete all sessions in the Training. The few days for learning this essential material are packed with exercises and information in order to make the Training financially accessible to more people. This can be arduous for some, especially for people who are challenged in terms of energetic stamina. There is a lot of sitting, some movement exercises (which could be modified), and dyadic and group sharing.
What is the Scholarship Fund for Facilitator Training?
The SoulCollage® Scholarship Fund is a small fund created to encourage inclusiveness and access to SoulCollage® for under-served populations. In addition to financial need, applicants who want assistance with their SoulCollage® Facilitator Training tuition must be working for or volunteering currently and directly with an organization or community that would not otherwise be likely to encounter SoulCollage®.
What support can you expect after your Training?
Trained SoulCollage® Facilitators receive ongoing benefits to support them as they develop and deepen their use of SoulCollage®, professionally and personally. Facilitators access these benefits at the official online World of SoulCollage® Community in their Resource Library. Visit WOSC.
- A monthly newsletter for SoulCollage® Facilitators and access to its archive
- Facilitator-Only online groups
- Facilitator-Only resources, courses, products
- Continuing education courses and Facilitator Conferences
- Soul-cial™ Media marketing and a public newsletter that spreads the word about SoulCollage®
How much does the Training cost?
SoulCollage® Trainers are entrepreneurs and set their own fees based on the economy of their geographical area and the cost of the particular venue where the Training will be held. Contact the Trainer of the SoulCollage® Facilitator Training which interests you for fee and details about that Training. Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis. Please register as early as possible to be sure to be included for the training dates you prefer.
Do SoulCollage® Facilitators use SoulCollage® with children?
SoulCollage® was originally designed and evolved as an adult activity. Unless you are a licensed clinician or teacher working with children in schools or are under the direct supervision of teachers working within schools, SoulCollage® Facilitators are advised not to work with collage and emotional expression with children who are not their own.
SoulCollage® Facilitator Training with Mariabruna Sirabella, LMFT and 24 excited trainees who share their experience and plans for the future.
“I started the playful practice of SoulCollage® in June 2013 and became a Facilitator in April 2019. SoulCollage® encourages me to “heal and feel,” “celebrate light and life” AND “hold space and place” for All! My SoulCollage ® journey opened up my inner senses, heightened my intuition, and I rediscovered my soul’s mission. I have become wizened from the dances with the one and many parts of my self. Heaven is on Earth.”
Chigoke Adoma, Atlanta, Georgia
SoulCollage® Facilitator“I first learned about SoulCollage® when I saw the amazing cards my wife had created. I was so intrigued, I started going to workshops so I could make cards of my own. The process was so rewarding and inspiring that I eventually became a SoulCollage® Facilitator. Now I offer workshops for groups at religious centers, retreat venues, and in the university setting. SoulCollage® is an absolutely unique modality that opens doorways to deep personal understanding in a non-threatening, and non-judgmental way, with like-minded, interesting, and supportive people. If you haven’t given yourself the gift of SoulCollage® you really should. Use this website to find a workshop nearest to you and sign up, I promise you you’ll thank yourself for it!”
Mark Telles, M.Ed., Redding, CA
SoulCollage® Facilitator

Why do people choose to become SoulCollage® Facilitators?
Most become Facilitators because they are spilling over with enthusiasm about their own SoulCollage® cards and want to share with others the fun, beauty and personal transformation the method has brought them. But there are many roads to SoulCollage® and then to the SoulCollage® Facilitator Training. Here is what we have learned over the years.
“I took the Facilitator Training 13 years ago, and SoulCollage® became my Spiritual Path shortly thereafter, when I started recognizing the wisdom in my cards; wisdom that I had put into them. Working with groups and individuals as an Art Therapist showed me the power of our ability to change our worlds with some images, imagination, and intuition! Thank you, Seena Frost.”
Kat Kirby, Prescott, AZ
SoulCollage® Trainer“SoulCollage® is a life-affirming, life-enhancing and life-changing practice that has led me to greater self-discovery, self-understanding, personal growth and creative expression … I’m doubly blessed to be a SoulCollage® Facilitator and have shared the practice with hundreds of people and seen them discover their wisdom and change their world.