The Paradigm Shift


Seena Frost spoke passionately about SoulCollage® and its role in the planetary paradigm shift that so many believe is occurring now. She talked about how the SoulCollage® motto, Discover Your Wisdom, Change Your World ™, means that many who do and share SoulCollage® consider it to be a significant change agent in our world.

The practice of SoulCollage® can help a person accept and understand themselves and find ways to balance all their multi-faceted and vital energies. Then they can bring this balanced togetherness into the larger story of the planet.
~ Founder Seena Frost

In this video Seena shares how the SoulCollage® method contributes to the healthy longevity of our planet through the evolution of humans, one soul at a time.

SoulCollage® & Paradigm Shift CD

An article excerpted from Seena Frost’s SoulCollage® & Paradigm Shift audio.

Seena wrote and spoke these words in 2011 and they are true today. It is more obvious almost a decade later that systems are changing; our new paradigm values are more often becoming actions. We are changing. Read “How the Paradigm Shifts” article here.

A Community Oracle Video

An introduction to the essence of SoulCollage® ending with a Community Oracle ceremony in which 100 Facilitators consulted their cards on the exact 10th anniversary of 9/11, asking the question, “How we can individually and collectively assist a new paradigm approach to community?

Produced by SoulCollage® Facilitator Sue Gelber.

You can view the full 54-minute video at

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