In Memory of Seena Frost

Seena Frost

Seena Frost died at age 83 on January 13, 2016. She is loved and missed by the whole SoulCollage® community which is dedicated to passing on her global legacy of SoulCollage®, a simple, elegant, and versatile process leading to enhanced creativity, community, and self-discovery.

The Worldwide SoulCollage Community Bids Farewell to its Founder

This SoulCollage® Memorial for SoulCollage® Founder Seena B. Frost was held online on what would have been her 84th birthday on February 15, 2016 (a month after her death.) The SoulCollage® worldwide community of SoulCollage® Trainers, trained SoulCollage® Facilitators, and other committed practitioners of SoulCollage® logged in from all corners of the planet to hear and see the stories, poems, photos, and videos contributed by 16 presenters honoring Seena’s extraordinary contribution.

This memorial event (Part I and Part II) provides a view of Seena’s life and a look into the ongoing, amazing, new paradigm, global community and organization that Seena’s work inspired.

Part 1

Part I of Seena’s Memorial on YouTube

  • A 3-minute Memorial Video (Sue Gelber)
  • Introduction to the Memorial and our technology (Kat Kirby and Karen Mann)
  • A short history of how Seena developed SoulCollage®, the partnership to get SoulCollage® out into the world, and how the community grew. Excerpts from Seena’s personal journal written in 1989-91 (Kylea Taylor and Jim Schofield, SoulCollage Inc.)
  • Stories of personal and professional relationship (Audrey Chowdhury)
  • Stories of Seena’s first SoulCollage® groups. Jeri and Seena recite together Seena’s poem, “The Mystic Speaks of Love” (Jeri Bodemar)
  • Stories from Mariabruna’s two-decades of collegial and personal relationship with Seena. Mariabruna reads her own poem for Seena and the poem that Seena wanted read at her memorial. (Mariabruna Sirabella)
  • Seena speaking about the paradigm shift. A hilarious video of Seena at the 2013 SoulCollage® Facilitators’ Conference when she made an entrance as her clown persona Ms. Anne Thrope. (Sue Gelber)

Part 2

Part 2 of Seena’s Memorial on YouTube

  • Appreciation for finding a life’s work. (Katherine L. Ziegler)
  • Seena’s love of animals and a poem written for Seena, The Visit. (Fran Cherlow)
  • How Seena lived with SoulCollage® as a personal daily practice. (Miriam Goldberg)
  • Seena’s love for the human form. Seena’s humor. Learning to love the Shadow. More in a video of Seena’s clown persona, Ms. Anne Thrope. (Barb Horn)
  • The international flavor of SoulCollage®, how it brings peace and connection between people of all countries. Poem read in French to Seena. (Andrea Thüler)
  • Seena developed a new extraordinary process to help people make connections to parts of themselves and to others. (Linda Woolfson)
  • Seena’s emphasis on community. (Lucy Schaaphok)
  • Contributions to Seena’s memory from groups meeting around the world after her death.
  • How I came to the first Training in 2003, what I learned, and why I volunteered. (Michele Audet)
  • My love for and work on behalf of the SoulCollage® community and organization. (Marilyn McDonald)
  • Seena’s rich family and community life with an introduction to the closing video. (Kylea Taylor and Jim Schofield)
  • Wonderful 7-minute video of Seena’s life in photos (prepared by the Frost family) accompanied by the song sung by Sara Hickman, “We Are Each Other’s Angels.” (song used with permission)
  • Closing (Kat Kirby)
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