The One and the Many


“In brief, here is my position and the one on which I have built the SoulCollage® practice: I am one whole, unique person and, at the same time, I am made up of many parts. You are the same. Your family is many and yet one family. So also is our nation, our planet, our solar system, our universe. All life, and indeed all that exists, is nested into Oneness, like those little Russian nesting dolls.

Beings emerge in individuated forms out of this Oneness or Ground of Being, and remain forever held and sustained by it…whether they are conscious of it or not. Humans sometimes do become conscious of it. There seems to be in human beings what I call “a spark of conscious spirit”. That spark, in some, awakens and yearns to rise and shake off the sense of separateness and the busyness of its mind. It wants to know the Oneness, to merge its spark of spirit with Spirit.” – Seena B. Frost

All life, and indeed all that exists, is nested into Oneness, like those little Russian nesting dolls.

Indra’s Net

Allow Seena’s visual language of the story of “Indra’s Net” to spark your imagination. Learn how this metaphor is used in SoulCollage® to illustrate that we are all connected together in our “One and Many” world. 2:44

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